Quentin His Avocat Généraliste département 69 Rhône
Monsieur Quentin His est un avocat adhérant au Barreau de Lyon, toque N° 3203. Il a débuté son activité le Mardi 16 Janvier 2018. Son cabinet se situe en région Auvergne Rhône Alpes, département Rhône, à Lyon 69003, au ( Latitude: 45.7571833, Longitude: 4.8428905 ) Il n'a pas de spécialité déterminée. Langue Parlée: Français. Il accepte Chèques, et Espèces. La page de His Quentin a été compulsée à 207 reprises a bénéficié d'une mise à jour le Mardi 9 Janvier 2024
Autres recherches annexes à cette page fournis par Google le 9 Janvier 2024
1 - Quentin HIS – Asenso – Avocats LYON
Dec 1, 20 ... Quentin HIS. Titulaire d'un Master II Contentieux, Maître Quentin HIS a orienté son cursus universitaire vers la maîtrise de la procédure ... http://www.asenso.avocat.fr/quentin-his/ 2 - Quentin His - Avocat Droit Immobilier - Lyon Fondé en 28, le cabinet de Maître Quentin HIS est une structure lyonnaise indépendante dédiée au conseil et à l'assistance des professionnels et ... https://his-avocat.fr/ 3 - Quentin His - Avocat - Cabinet ASENSO | LinkedIn Voir le profil de Quentin His sur LinkedIn, le plus grand réseau professionnel mondial. Quentin a 8 postes sur son profil. Consultez le profil complet sur ... https://fr.edin.com/in/quentin-his-64336
4 - Quentin Charluteau | Simmons & Simmons His experience in these fields covers product liability, breach of contract, and insurance law both in dispute (Professional Indemnity, Financial lines, D&O) ... https://www.simmons-simmons.com/en/people/ck0e87y4rpiy60b59tna65v4r/quentin-charluteau 5 - Hoche Avocats advises Sagesse Retraite Santé on the LBO and ... Jul 2, 21 ... Hoche Avocats has advised Sagesse Retraite Santé (SRS), one of France's leading investors in the health and medico-social sectors, on its ... https://www.hoche-avocats.com/en/hoche-avocats-advises-sagesse-retraite-sante-on-th...-vi/ 6 - Bertrand de Saint Quentin | Avocat Associé – Cazals Manzo Pichot ... Il accompagne régulièrement les fonds d'investissement, les entreprises et les dirigeants lors d'opérations de private equity, de fusion-acquisition et de ... https://www.cazalsmanzo.com/equipe/bertrand-de-saint-quentin/ 7 - Profile Quentin Némoz-Rajot - Akilys Avocats He also leads professional training sessions in business law, such as with the Ain Bar Association. Involved in the academic community through his teaching and ... https://akilys-avocats.com/profile-quentin-nemoz-rajot/?lang=en 8 - Avocats à Bruxelles, Liège et Verviers Quentin Willocx - APM Law Born in Brussels in 1990, Quentin Willocx esquire has lived there since his earliest childhood and has been a lawyer since 25. Brussels Office. https://www.apmlaw.be/en/quentin-willocx 9 - Quentin Leroux, partner in the Real Estate Department, makes his ... BG2V is pleased and proud to see Quentin Leroux, partner in the Real Estate Department, make his entry into the Chambers and Partners ranking. https://bg2v.com/2284-2/ 10 - Antoine Quentin Fouquier-Tinville - Wikipedia He was guillotined in Paris on 7 May 95, and became the last individual to be executed by the Revolutionary Tribunal before its abolition. His precise role in ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoine_Quentin_Fouquier-Tinville
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